Activity Overview

Take part in interactive demonstrations of a variety of techniques that underlie state-of-the-art particle detectors.


Discover the high-precision techniques that are used to align particle detectors.

Point 5 - CMS

From huge transformers to optical fibres the width of a human hair, see all the equipment used to supply CERN's accelerators and experiments - it's electrifying!


Get an introduction to the design and production of electronics for particle detectors and find out about the Medipix family of chips developed at CERN that has proved its credentials outside the field of high-energy physics, including in art authentication and restoration.


Come to the ENLIGHT (European Network for Light Hadron Therapy) stand to learn the basic principles of particle therapy, which is based on particle accelerators and is becoming increasingly important for the treatment of cancer.


You're the engineer-in-charge of the LHC control room. Before your shift ends, you will have to accelerate the two particle beams, maintain their trajectories with powerful magnets, and make the beams collide. Will you successfully complete the LHC run? Maybe find new particles? Play this escape room to find out.

Point 4 - LHC

See a display of the protection gear used by CERN's fire and rescue service.


Discover the equipment that is used in the LHC tunnel to protect the LHC's electrical circuits in case of problems: electronic cards, large mechanical switches, diodes that can work in cryogenic conditions, power supplies, and more.

Point 4 - LHC

Visit one of CERN's largest experimental buildings, housing multiple experimental zones and four particle beam lines.


Discover the collections of the museum "Remise01", which reflect the dedication and courage of CERN's firefighters. Fire-fighting equipment and vehicles will be on display.

Point 5 - CMS
Point 5 - CMS