ATLAS - point 1

The gigantic ATLAS is a monumental experiment seeking out the particles and forces that make up our Universe. Meet these modernday explorers and take part in various activities.

Take a tour through the ATLAS underground cavern to see the largest detector ever built at a particle collider: the ATLAS experiment. Learn about the detector, the science and the collaboration.

Point 1 - ATLAS
Point 1 - ATLAS

Join the ATLAS main activity tent and learn all about the ATLAS experiment. Find out how ATLAS studies the Higgs boson; learn what protons are made of and how they collide inside the ATLAS detector; and uncover how ATLAS analyses particle collisions to make new discoveries. Take home a photo of yourself as an ATLAS scientist, sit down for a cup of coffee at our science café and chat with an ATLAS "barista" (physicist).

Point 1 - ATLAS

Take a tour of the ATLAS Visitor Centre. Learn about the experiment, take a peek at the ATLAS control room, and see the original prototype pieces of the detector pieces in the exhibition.

Point 1 - ATLAS

Ready for some competition? Create your own particle detector using Lego bricks. Whether you are 4 or 94 years old (or somewhere in between), we look forward to seeing your design, construction and naming skills in action. Exciting prizes will be given out for the best designs. Find out more at

Point 1 - ATLAS

Discover how CERN gives back knowledge and technologies to society, the Laboratory's impact all over the world and its future plans to stimulate scientific curiosity in the public at large. Discover also CERN's Science Gateway project for a new scientific education and outreach centre designed by world-renowned architects Renzo Piano Building Workshop.

Point 1 - ATLAS

Marvel at these simple but entertaining experiments, often bordering on the magical, which demonstrate different states of matter and magnetism in a fun way.

Point 1 - ATLAS
Point 1 - ATLAS

Come and explore CERN's particle accelerators through high-resolution 360° panoramic photos. With presentations throughout the day, we will guide you through several key areas in the accelerators. Questions are welcome. Feel free to roam using one of our workstations if you'd rather explore on your own.

Point 1 - ATLAS
Point 1 - ATLAS

Take a short quiz to find out which elementary particle fits your personality best. After the quiz, you can collect a pin with your particle and compare your particle personality with others.

Point 1 - ATLAS
Point 1 - ATLAS

What does CERN have to do with 3D colour x-rays and 19th century paintings? Head to IdeaSquare to join experts from CERN's Knowledge Transfer group who will tell you all about the impact of the technological and human capital developed at CERN in areas such as medical and biomedical technologies, aerospace applications and cultural heritage.

Point 1 - ATLAS

The entire Universe is made up of particles. But where do they come from? What laws govern their behaviour? Delve into contemporary physics and discover the history of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day. This exhibition can be visited throughout the year, see

Point 1 - ATLAS